Reserved Seating

  • Use this API link for instant tiny website reserved seating service and more...
    Either save the whole page OR the tiny website to show the greeter who calls your reservation number.
    The greeter will look at the Current database to see who's next to call.
    Easier still, the greeter can create the number and text the customer their reservation number.
  • Worksheet
  • Current database
  • Show customers this URL and a secret time to input when arriving for reservations OR
    Use this qrcode

    Dont forget Intelligent Seating.
    Don't forget Place Cards.
    Don't forget Issue Tracking.
    If you want to put messages into the tiny websites after the reservation is made, email for password to HERE
    Chat room service
    Add messages to your choice of 7 delimiters add; cccpppeeeaaawebuuummm to the end of the API link